Fan Academy
What is Vodafone Fan Academy?
Vodafone Fan Academy is an online space where Fans can learn from iconic coaches who teach people how to be the best fan, through a series of how-to videos on subjects such as face painting, choosing the right costume, fan etiquette and being a gracious host to international fans. The platform is free of cost and open for anyone to participate.
How do I participate?
Register on www.vodafone/fanacademy.com and begin your journey by watching the tutorials given by the coaches.
I am not a Vodafone customer; can I also participate?
Anyone can participate in Vodafone Fan Academy by accepting the T&Cs and Privacy Policy
Do I have to be a Vodafone customer to participate?
No, Vodafone Fan Academy is open for anyone. However, prizes will only be given to nationals or residents currently in Qatar who are 18 years of age or with parental consent form signed by the parents/local guardians OR visitors in Qatar with a valid passport or travel document and are present in Qatar to collect the prize.
What are the prizes?
Weekly giveaways to 3 lucky winners who have completed the tutorials will be picked by an electronic lucky draw upon completion of the Fan Academy courses. Prizes are
iPhone 14 128GB,
Samsung S22 5G 128 GB,
and Apple Watch S8 41mm.
All prize announcements and distributions of the weekly prize as well as the draws will take place at the end of the week (Sunday). Lucky winners will be sent an announcement through their registered email and distribution will take place at Vodafone store at Place Vendome.
How do I win a prize?
You have to graduate from Vodafone Fan Academy by completing all the tutorials and take the final quiz. Upon completion, your name will automatically enter the lucky draw pool.
Who are the coaches of Vodafone Fan Academy?
El Fil , a Tunisian supporter is known as Ridha The Elephant and once won the official award for the best fan in 2018. He is known for his iconic face and body paint that stands out for every competition.
El Cole is an ex-law student who is now one of the most famous fans of all time, and isn’t just dressed up as a bird but defies gravity and puts his life at risk supporting his country.
Caramelo travels worldwide supporting his country during competitions and is known for his iconic hats and Mexican-themed outfits. He has attended every tournament since Mexico 1986.
Mohammed Saadon Al-kuwari is a famous Qatari figure in media and sports and is also an ex-tennis player, padel enthusiast and entrepreneur who runs his own business.
How do I graduate from Vodafone Fan Academy?
After completing all the tutorials, you have to take a short quiz to test your knowledge and graduate from the academy.
How do I collect my graduation certificate?
After passing the final quiz, you will automatically receive your certificate via email.
Do I need data to participate in Vodafone Fan Academy?
Yes, in order to view Vodafone Fan Academy you need to be connected to either Wi-Fi or Mobile data.